Saturday, February 24, 2007

FoccaciaPart 3

Okay, this is my 3rd attempt! I can't seem to get it right! Well, at least the bread was cooked thoroughly and the dough had some time to rise before going into the oven. Did I mention that I don't have a rolling pin so I used a wine bottle that I wrapped in foil? So rolling the dough isn't easy and I don't do it more than twice.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Foccacia ... pizza with no topping...same thing

Okay I said I would post some photos of my second looks a lot better than the first one I made since it's actually flat. But I over cooked it so it didn't taste that great. The first one I made tasted better even though some parts were uncooked. Oh well. I'll try again.

Next on the menu? Chicken stir fry with broccoli...maybe teriyaki?
